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About me

Na ruim 28 jaar in loondienst te hebben gewerkt, heb ik eind 2008 weloverwogen de stap gezet om voor mezelf te beginnen. Bij mijn laatste werkgever Vodafone was ik hoofd van de afdeling Public Relations en lid van het Vodafone Senior Management Team. Binnen Vodafone Group is mijn team diverse malen onderscheiden met de 'Award for Outstanding Contribution to Corporate Affairs'.

Klanten van mij nu zijn bijvoorbeeld VodafoneZiggo, Universiteit Maastricht, Tata Consulting Services, Millford, KAN Jongeren, Avans+, Mockus, Omnicom PR Group, ODS, Heldergroen en vele anderen.

At the end of 2008, after a career of 28 years working for several employers, I took the deliberate step to start my own business. At my last employer Vodafone, I was head of the Public Relations department and a member of the Vodafone Senior Management Team. Within Vodafone Group, my team received the prestiguous 'Award for Outstanding Contribution to Corporate Affairs' several years in a row.

Among my current customers are VodafoneZiggo, University of Maastricht, Tata Consulting Services, Millford, KAN Jongeren, Avans+, Mockus, Omnicom PR Group, ODS, Heldergroen and others.